Onutė Gražinytė and Kremerata Baltica through the ears of critics

Opera Plus, 5th October 2023, Kremerata Baltica na pět způsobů Klasika Plus, 5th October 2023, Kremerata Baltica hrála v Besedním domě Brno město hudby, 6th October 2023, Výtečný orchestr Kremerata Baltica, strhující klavíristka Onutė Gražinyté a hold soudobým skladatelům Opera Plus, 7th October 2023, Onutė Gražinytė na Moravském podzimu, tentokrát sólově

Press release of the 52nd year of the festival

Moravian Autumn, subtitled A Parallel History of Music, is showcasing great works of neglected composers and neglected works of great composers PRESS RELEASE                                                                                                                Brno, 7 September 2023 Contemporary classical music concert practice is to repeatedly select only a limited number of all the pieces of music ever to have been composed for their […]

Festival catalogue

Details of all concerts, information about all pieces, composers and performers, contexts, interesting facts about musical instruments. All this can be found in the festival catalogue, which you can download online here. If you prefer a printed one, you can byu it on our Ticket Office from Tuesday 5 September in Besední Street. (Mon-Tue 8-13, […]

Word of Moravian Autumn programmer for the upcoming 52nd year of the festival

ANGELOI – MESSENGERS or A parallel history of music   Neglected works by great composers, great works by neglected composers   According to the philosopher Yakov Druskin, a messenger, or angelos in Greek, is a being who lives in a parallel world and whose life passes in stasis. This is no dull, empty or boring […]